Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Online Digital Photography Tutorials - Sites For Part-time Photography Income?

I'm looking for digital photography tutorials and sites that show step-by-step (or close enough) how to make a part-time income from amateur photography.
Online Digital Photography Tutorials - Sites For Part-time Photography Income?
Jarrod Hardcastle's 'Digicam Cash' site covers freelance photography. It's based on the micro stock photography model where you get paid a pre-fixed amount (royalty) each time someone buys or downloads your photo.

While the per-download payment may be low to begin with, over time (and with more photo submissions) this adds up to a sizeable part-time income from your digital photographs.
Reply:Save your self the trouble with online schemers and go directly to galleries specializing in reputable online educational forums and sales:

Considered one of the best, and I know photographers who are making good money there selling all sort of snapshots!

Some others are:
Reply:Those income sites are scams.
gothic names

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