Sunday, July 12, 2009

What would be the best online programme to earn an income from home?

Hi, Im a South African, currently unemployed and have 2kids to support. Please could someone tell me anything about Any suggestions will be appreciated. Im not looking for a get-rich-quick scheme, just a job that I am willing to do and put alot of hours into it, be it day or night, in order to earn an income. I have been desperately seeking for the past two months now.
What would be the best online programme to earn an income from home?
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Reply:I think your requirement is a perfect fit for 'Human Intelligence Tasks'. Let me explain little more. There are kind of work (like 'image tagging', 'researching on website' etc.), which only human can do, computer cannot. This kind of tasks are labor intensive and pay very low (example - 2 cents for each image you tag). But if you put alot of hours into it, you may earn an income. For more information, check out this website ( Good luck.
Reply:I have not heard of so I can not comment on that. I can direct you, if you are interested, to the South African office for Amway Global. It is not an immediate income as some people would lead you to believe, and does take some work, but it has been more successful in other countries than in America. Let me know if you want the contact info.
Reply:Hi Angie,

Send me an email and ill fill in the blanks free to join and awesome support you will never be left alone to try and figure it all out by yourself so email me at and ill show u

Kind Regards


Reply:Cashcrate is all I know.

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