Sunday, July 12, 2009

Is there any reality in Online Income through Google Adsense? If Yes - what it is?

YES -- Adsense is REAL. It's been around since June 2003, and it is an advertising program launched by Google, the biggest search company

Some sites do very well with Adsense (even in the millions of dollars a year) while many more sites do extremely poorly with the program (can't even earn $10 a month). One of the misconception people have about Adsense is they simply slap it in their websites and it will automatically earn them big money -- which is not true as evidenced by the many disgruntled webmasters

Your income will depend on:

- the topic of your site (if you have high paying keywords you stand to earn more)

- responsiveness of users to ad (are visitors coming to your site with blinders in their eye or do they look at the ads as additional complementary resource)

- traffic (you earn more with more traffic, even if you have low paying keywords or other metrics)

- how you implement the ads on your site (some positions and colors work better than others)

I suggest you join the program (you've got nothing to lose as it is free) and see how your site will do with it. I've been with Adsense since June 2003 and it's been a GREAT income generating program for us. So for me, Adsense is definitely worth it

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