Sunday, July 12, 2009

How can I get passive income online?

I have been looking into lots of web sites and so forth. Is there a sure way to make a passive income? I dont have to get rich off the idea but making at least a couple hundred bucks each month would really help a lot. thanks :)
How can I get passive income online?
I do recommend you to start from autopilot home business so you can earn money even while you are sleeping. It runs automatically %26amp; you can make money just overnight but decision is yours. Good luck %26amp; God bless you!

Reply:You can consider setting up a home-based online business. If you have a job you love and are happy then you'll probably want to stick to it. The home-based online business can just be a part time venture to generate some passive income.

The wonderful thing about an online business is that it really doesn't discriminate. You're never too young, too old, too busy to make money online. You have the same opportunities as everyone else. The only thing that can hold you back is yourself, your thirst for knowledge and your persistence to succeed.

But there is also nothing such as a sure or guaranteed way to make a passive income online. There is a whole list of things that an internet newbie like yourself do not know in order to make money online. So, it might be best to forget about making money online first.

Instead, focus on starting up your own website first. Learn as much as you can about how to make money online. Even if your first online business were to fail, the experience that you have gained will be more valuable than anything you could have been taught in school. It will provide you with the knowledge you will need to start another venture successfully. The money will then come later.

There are a number of ways of generating passive income online:

1) sell a physical product online

2) sell your services

3) sell information online

4) set up a membership site

5) revenue from Google adsense

6) advertisement fees

and many other ways. Anyone can make money online using one or a combination of the methods mentioned above. You just have to know how to apply it. But the problem is that most internet newbies don't want to do the work. They are only interested in easy money.

That's not how it works. If you look at those successful internet entrepreneurs, you will find that the money they earned is tainted with sweat, work, passion and focus.

So, if you too are serious about generating some passive income online, then you too must do as they do. You are going to have to put in the hard work before you can reap the rewards. You need to have some basic knowledge of:

- how to brainstorm for a great business idea for your site

- how to plan

- Search Engine Optimization

- how to attract website traffic to your site

- how to name your site

- how to build a professional but yet simple website

Still here? Good. If you are still serious about making money online, you can find some articles on how to set up a home-based online business at the source below.

Reply:Do your due diligence. Check out the owners, the company, the products and us.

Investigate the generic site

If this appeals to you then connect to me at

or call my mentor and associate at 1-800-734-6297 and let him know I referred you. My I.D. # is 26913. We are looking for two people who will do whatever it takes to make a monthly five figure income.

Reply:Maybe you could take a look at

You might be able to get some tips there.
Reply:try - it's a new social networking site like myspace, but they pay you $4.00 for each of your "referals" (friends, family, contacts) that sign up. Get in at the early stages before it gets popular and you'll be on your way to some hefty residuals. Good luck!;...

Working from home is getting very popular and that's what makes it hard to find. Because it is highly in demand and honest companies are limited, it is not easy to find a useful site.

Reply:NO. You can try Adsense and affiliate sites. But even to earn a few $ a day takes a bit of effort. I would say NO.

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