Sunday, July 5, 2009

Can someone explain online sales income to me?

If I establish a website, and generate a small income from this website do I need to...

-Pay a state sales tax?

-Claim this income on any tax forms?

Any and all help would be appreciated. I'm looking to start a website, and potentially charge a sign up fee-- with reasonable growth I'd imagine maybe 500 people at $2 a pop, something along those lines. What kind of legal issues, if any, does this bring up?

Links to other sites are acceptable, so long as it covers what I'm looking for. Thanks.
Can someone explain online sales income to me?
Tax issues:

Your income is income from self employment. It is reported on schedule C (Form 1040) and is subject to SE tax at 15.3%. It is also subject to federal and state income taxes.

Read about self employed tax filing:
Reply:Obama will figure it out for you and take your money, while convincing you he's helping you (with lies) because you're the "middle class."

Under Barack, you won't be able to keep much of your profits, plus you'll be charged an exhorbitant capital gains tax if you sell the business, and also pay a tremendous inheritance tax if you pass it on.

He'll also probably be raising the self-employment tax, since you're a villainous "business owner." If your dog is hanging around your office, he'll be taxed, as well, under Barack Hussein Obama.

But you're not supposed to be aware of any of this. You're supposed to believe what he tells you like his Obamaites do.
Reply:if u wants online scale income for you than visit this website

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